28. April 2023
Every time these mountains catch my eye, I admire their shameless grandiosity. Reaching serenely up into sky and down into valley, arms wide open. Resolutely holding sacred space by being none other than themselves.
27. January 2023
Stepping outside one morning recently I looked up and laughed with surprise and joy. The bushes weighted down with fresh snowfall bowed over the pathway so devoutly. An untrodden white path leading into the most glorious snow scene I have ever seen.
16. August 2022
Lying belly-down in the clear shallow water, tiny fish nibble softly at my hands and feet. A small bright blue flying creature flicks herself again and again into a backbend, brushing her long jewel like body between iridescent wings. Pond-skaters collide excitedly on surface tension, forming curious constellated circle shadow patterns on the rocky stream bed.